Advisory Committee


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Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee is to utilize local knowledge and expertise to advise the Comprehensive Team on relevant issues and opportunities that are important for the future of Taylor.  The advisory committee will act as a sounding board as community engagement materials and outreach efforts are proposed to ensure that all perspectives and interests within the City of Taylor are represented. In summary the advisory committee:

  • Assists in community engagement;
  • Helps review community dialogue formats to achieve the most successful outcomes;
  • Helps review public meeting materials before each outreach milestone; and
  • Acts as an ambassador to the Comprehensive Plan Process within the City.

The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee will meet a total of three times throughout the process.  Meetings will be coordinated to coincide with major outreach milestones.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Advisory Committee Meetings

Public Workshops and Events

Materials for Review

Meeting Agendas

Meeting Minutes

Committee Members

A list of everyone on this stakeholder committee. 

If you are a Committee Member, use this link to access the Member Page.