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Taylor Code Tour

The Code Tour is designed to gather input from the Taylor Community as the development code is being drafted. 

Submit your thoughts on the survey(s) below, then visit all the sites, either in person or online. 

Results from the tour will be discussed at the upcoming community meeting, Wednesday July 13th at 1-4pm and 6-8pm at the Taylor Library. Details below.

#7: Barber Shop

This local barbershop has been a social hub in the Taylor community for decades. It's a tiny building, the smallest business in Downtown Taylor. A small space costs less to rent or own, allowing a local entrepreneur to start a new business without a ton of customers, a ton of profit, or a ton of debt to get started and begin growing.


Barber Shop. 118 W 4th Street. Simplecity Design 2022.


Why it's on the Code Tour:  This tiny building is not allowed to be built today, according to the existing code. The code requires a minimum size lot and minimum size building, which in effect can make it harder for small businesses to find a place to open or to grow.

The question is: If smaller buildings were allowed, where would it seem appropriate to have a small business like this selling goods and services? Share your thoughts in the survey below.  (Survey now closed.)

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Community Meeting on July 13th!

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